Sunday, November 14, 2010

Green Pasta

Well it happened as predicted.  I fell off the wagon.  Not fully with intention-but because I did not use intention when making my choices!
I did my best to eat right this week-but yes, some no-no foods came.  On the up-side over Thursday and Friday I was so busy with a wedding that I hardly ate and I finally was able to see the scale register a new weight bracket!  Exciting to say the least.  Even though I know it will flex up again-just seeing it gave me hope!
But this is a new week-with new grace for me! So today I started the day with some home-made pancakes (as opposed to the box mix w h2o option). This evening I found myself craving a pasta my dear friend Bethany over at ...she made it for me this summer and I learned that I DO like peas!  I'd never had them outside of their nasty canned puky state ha. So today I went to grab some veggies for a similar pasta and found I had nothing I liked together except GREEN veggies!  So I decided to skip a homemade tomato sauce and simple cooked up some whole wheat pasta and topped it with the following: snow peas, frozen peas, avocado, broccoli, green onions, onions and then I did add some chip dip I'd made a while back that needed to be used since I didn't have any chips on was the simple black bean/salsa dip...
DELISH! I'm actually still finishing as I type!
Here's a pic of the veggies cooking up (I added the avo at the end...)

What sort of dishes do you make-up when you find your running low on foods?

1 comment:

  1. This looks pretty good! I have good and bad weeks too..I finally decided I can not restrict certain foods..or I just want them more! When we are running low on food I tend to do lots of grilling of leftover veggies
